Ethnic and race discrimination lawsuit filed in New Jersey

On Behalf of | Jun 29, 2011 | Firm News

Discrimination is a sad fact of life. Unfortunately, it can lead to hardship both socially and professionally. A New Jersey man recently filed a lawsuit against his place of employment over alleged race discrimination from his coworkers.

According to reports, the 45-year-old Arab American has lived and worked in the US for the last 25 years. He has served as an EMT for the Jersey City Medical Center over the past several years and claims that his co-workers have repeatedly assailed upon him with racial and ethnic slurs. He has stated that the racial discrimination only became a problem for him after 9/11.

According to the lawsuit, the gentleman made attempts to have the issue reconciled through hospital management, but his requests went ignored. However, the hospital maintains that investigations were completed and that appropriate actions were taken. Spokespeople for the hospital have voiced their desires to address the claims in a legal setting.

The plaintiff in the case also states he made recordings, unbeknownst to his coworkers, of some of the discriminative comments and slurs he has endured. The tapes were released to a New Jersey newspaper that confirms the insults spoken, but does not pinpoint the speaker. The race discrimination plaintiff also claims he’s been ostracized for his ethnicity throughout his time at the hospital.

There is currently no information as to the reparations the plaintiff is seeking in the lawsuit. However, he told reporters he hopes mostly for a change in attitude. Men and women who are facing racial discrimination in the workplace undergo heavy amounts of stress professionally. These people may find that consultation with an understanding advocate can help provide peace of mind about the options available for handling ethnic discrimination at work.

Source:, EMT files discrimination lawsuit against Jersey City Medical Center, Michaelangelo Conte, 08 Jun, 2011

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