What To Do If You Suspect Legal Malpractice
When you feel as though a previous attorney put their own interests ahead of yours, placing your trust in the hands of another attorney is difficult to say the least. It could also be the case that you simply don’t know if something improper took place and are hesitant to contact a lawyer about it for fear of wasting everyone’s time. You may also be wondering if your concerns might have more to do with getting a bad result than any actual misconduct.
Our advice, based on nearly 20 years of experience with legal malpractice claims: Go ahead and call. The worst that can happen is that you find out you don’t have a case. That alone can provide valuable peace of mind.
At the law office of Andrew Rubin, Attorney at Law, we handle legal malpractice claims of all types on behalf of clients in Essex County, Bergen County and throughout the state of New Jersey. Our practice includes claims that involve a breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, ethics violations and conflicts of interest. If you have questions regarding the integrity or actions of a previous attorney — call or contact us online so that we can arrange a consultation.
Don’t Wait Because You’re Unsure…
Legal malpractice claims are difficult to prove. For instance, if you had a personal injury claim and your attorney failed to file the claim before the statute of limitations ran out, you would — in order to recover on the legal malpractice claim — have to prove that you would have won your case had you been allowed to pursue it. This is just one of the potential obstacles. Unfortunately, the case file is often where the critical information is found.
For all these reasons, it is important that an investigation into what happened and how you were harmed by it begin sooner rather than later. We can act quickly to force your previous attorney to turn over the case file and begin working to protect your legal rights.
Why Trust Us?
Trusting any attorney right now, no matter who it is, will be a big step for you. Attorney Andrew Rubin has been qualified by the courts of New Jersey to serve as an expert witness in legal malpractice cases.
Serving Clients Throughout New Jersey Since 1979: 973-718-2239
To schedule an initial consultation — call our Montclair, New Jersey, law offices directly or, contact us online. Evening and weekend appointments are available by request.